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white space Health Lodge Restoration & Renovations - update June 09

Thanks to an extremely generous donation on behalf of the Richardson family, the Health Lodge is being renovated from top to bottom....all while insuring the architectural integrity of the style of the building, which is very much like Alford Lodge. 

The finishing touches are underway on the Richardson Health Lodge...

...and just in time for our opening sessions of camp. The paint is drying and we're ready to show off this total top-to-bottom restoration...including Air conditioning and a Nurses living quarters area in the lower level. If you are in the area of camp, please stop by and take a peek. You won't believe your eyes.






The really amazing thing about this project is that it demonstrates the power of positive change brought about by the generosity of the Richardson family.  You too can make a difference at camp and there are projects on all sorts of levels that need your help. 

For more information on how you can help camp – contact us at info@PhantomLakeAlumni.com


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