
  Jeff Spang  

CEO Corner - Fall 2011
by Jeff Spang

"Reflections of Summer"

Most kids will tell you, summer ends too quickly.   I have to agree. As I reflect back on this summer and summers past, I am awed at the powerful and positive impact camp has on our campers.  Instead of being connected to the internet, they are connecting to each other.  Instead of being who everyone wants them to be, they discover who they are.  Even on some of the hottest and rainiest days, pure joy is apparent on the faces of our campers.  Whether they are performing in the talent show, noodle joisting or just hanging out on the porch at Alford lodge, Phantom Lake YMCA campers are having a great time. 

Here are some of the highlights from the summer of 2011:

Clean safety record – Thanks to our nursing staff we again had a clean safety record and were free of major incidents.  This was significant in light of the extreme heat and high attendance this year.  A special thanks to Sherry Will who coordinated all of our volunteer nursing staff.

The Carman Welcome Center welcomes campers – The most noticeable change to Phantom Lake YMCA camp this year was the construction of the Carman Welcome Center.  Phase 1 was completed in time for campers to begin using the new shower house facility.  Fundraising is underway for the completion of the upper level that will provide a much needed indoor facility for our camp program.

Sound financial health – For five straight years the financial statements for camp have been positive.  National surveys tell us that the recession has hit camps hard. Too many camps shut their doors for good in these tough financial times.  Our board understands that our financial health is key to the long term success and viability of camp.  We are committed to being good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us.

Counselors that are the best in the business – The reason kids at Phantom have such life changing experiences is because we have the best staff in the business.  New buildings are nice, but the success of any camp comes down to quality staff.  With so many former campers wanting to serve camp as counselors, we are able to hire the very best staff and invest in their training.  This is the real reason why over 75% of our campers keep coming back year after year compared to a national average of 54%.

“My daughter absolutely loves Phantom. She wears her Phantom gear at least once a week to school. I smile when I hear her singing Phantom songs. Thank you Phantom!” - Parent

One of my favorite quotes hangs in the Dining Hall:
“Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are is to get to a place where you don’t have to be anything else.” 

There is something special that happens at Phantom – you don’t have to worry about people accepting you for who you are – they just do.  This is a place where backgrounds don’t matter, true friendships flourish and kids get to discover their genuine self.  A desire to see these experiences available to future generations is what motivates the volunteers, staff and board members of Phantom.

Those that really understand how truly special this place is choose to “pay it forward” and give back with their time and money.  We have had a lot of exciting building projects and tremendous enrollments over the last few years, but the most important measure of achievement is the experience of the campers.  As I look back at the successes of this summer and the plans for the future, it is this positive experience of the campers that will continue to drive us forward.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp



CEO Corner - Winter/Spring 2011
by Jeff Spang

"Dreams Become Reality"

January marked my four year anniversary with the Phantom Lake YMCA family. Long before I had the honor of serving Phantom Lake YMCA Camp, others held a dream of building a new facility at camp. That dream is becoming a reality.

In December we broke ground for the new Carman Welcome Center. This new building will become our "front door"
...a multi-purpose facility that will serve as an alumni center, museum, meeting room, office space and camp check-in point.

Much like the Health Lodge restoration project, we want this building to feel like it belongs...so we've taken architectural cues from our pride and joy, Alford Lodge. You'll see that in the architects renderings.

Phase One of this project will provide a shower house and storm shelter that will service the Mountain, Indian and Mythical units of camp. Future phases will provide all the finishing touches to make this a building we can all be proud of.

There's a link on the home page of this Alumni website that will take you to a dedicated page for all the construction updates. You can also track the progress on Facebook where photos of the construction will be posted as well.

It is such a privilege to see the dreams so many have held for so long come to fruition. This project has taken the generosity of donors, the commitment of the board and the faith of our Alumni.

There is a growing sense held by the Alumni community that things are happening at Phantom. We are grateful to have had many new donors to our building fund in 2010. If you too feel that camp played a pivotal role in your development, I would urge you to consider a donation to the building fund. In this way you can be part of preserving our past and passing on an even better facility to future generations. What a great way to "pay it forward".

In the near future we will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony to honor the Carman family and the new building. This will be a perfect opportunity to come out to camp and see the progress. Keep checking the Alumni website and Facebook for details. We look forward to sharing the Carman Welcome Center with our 2011 campers.

The quote "May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future" speaks to what we are doing at camp.   I hope you will join us in dreaming big, and working with us, to make those dreams a reality.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp



CEO Corner - Winter 2010
by Jeff Spang

"A Season to be Thankful"

As we enter the holiday season I find myself humbled by the generosity of the Phantom family. Many Alumni have shared their stories with me of their time at camp and the lifelong impact it has made.

This year, an increasing number of Alumni have made financial donations to camp. Whether it is a contribution to our general operating fund to help preserve and improve our facility for future generations or to the Strong Kids campaign to assist others who may need financial aid to attend a week of camp, they are making a difference.

I was particularly touched by a young camper who enjoyed camp so much that they made a personal donation to help share the experience with other kids. For this young person to feel so compelled to donate after just one week at camp is inspiring.

As we enter this season of giving it is the perfect time to honor and pay tribute to those who have supported us this year. No matter the amount of the donation, it is the act of giving, of supporting a place that has meant so much to you that is truly appreciated. On behalf of the staff, volunteers and campers of PLYC - Thank you. Where we give of our time and treasures demonstrates what we truly value and love. Thank-you to all who have made the Phantom Lake YMCA camp a priority in their charitable giving this year.

If you are interested in "Giving the gift of camp" this holiday season, we've setup several options for you:
Visit the Spirit of Giving page on this website for information on our charitable giving programs or call me directly at 262.363.4386.

Give the gift of camp to your favorite young person. Early bird discounts are available until 12/31/2010. Sign up at PhantomLakeYMCA.org to reserve a spot.

Phantom Lake YMCA camp merchandise from our website, makes a great gift for anyone on your list.

This year as you light your candle on December 25th, and recall the friendships you made and remiss about the lake front and campfires, spend a moment to give thanks for those whose generosity has kept the campfires burning at Phantom Lake YMCA camp.

From my family to yours, I wish you God’s peace and a new year filled with blessings. May the true meaning of the holidays be in all of hearts and homes this season.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp


CEO Corner - Fall 2010
by Jeff Spang

"The State of PLYC"

Summer camp 2010 is officially over.  As I reflect over the summer and the months of preparation that went into this camping season, I have been accessing the success of our summer. In reviewing the performance of any camp there are several factors to consider:

Safety - Success begins and ends with safety.  Once again we had a clean safety record free of major incidents.  The staff in the health lodge reported that mosquito bites were our biggest medical issue this summer. Thanks and gratitude to our nursing staff that addressed any medical concerns that arose, day and night. 

Camper Satisfaction - If this was measured by children’s smiles, then we had a lot of happy campers!  The survey results completed by the parents also tell us that the kids enjoyed their time at camp.  The kids also told us that they were very happy with the food this year.  That is great to hear as we continue to provide a menu with a variety of healthy choices.

Enrollment - The performance measures that we track continue to improve.  We saw a 5% increase in the overall number of campers. This year we also saw a significant increase in the number of kids attending camp thanks to the strong kids campaign.  This is due to the generous donations of our alumni and the community who make it possible for children that would otherwise not have this experience to attend camp. 

Extending the use of camp - This year a special camp was setup in partnership with Easter seals so that children with special needs could enjoy camp.  Camp was also host to our largest Alumni reunion.  Over 200 former staff and campers joined us for the All-Era Reunion.  The summer ended with Family Camp.  This unique camp continues to grow in popularity.  This year every tent was booked!  It was great to reconnect with old friends, and to welcome so many more into the Phantom family.

Staff and Campers growth in the Square - Our mission at Phantom is to help children to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.  Kids this summer had an opportunity to put this into practice when a tornado hit a neighboring community.  I am so proud of the campers and staff who organized a penny war, a cloths drive and opened the arms of the Phantom family to embrace some of the children from this community in their time of need.

Financial stability - We are in our forth consecutive year with ending financials “in the black”.  This financially stability has given us many choices.  We are able to not only preserve the proud traditions of the past but also to make the investments necessary for future generations.  In 2010 the following improvements were made to camp:
  • A new roof was put on the Hilton.
  • The archery equipment was updated and replaced.
  • A new stage curtain was hung in Alford Lodge.
  • Digital cameras were purchased to provide campers with a photography specialty.
  • New benches were installed around camp – thanks to an Eagle Scout project.

So has 2010 been a success?  By all measures – Yes! I would like to thank the staff and volunteers at Phantom who have made this a wonderful summer.  With all the positive things that are happening at camp, it is easy to forget what difficult financial times we are in.  Thank you to all of our donors who continue to make camp a recipient of their charitable gifts.  Finally thank you to the parents who trust us with their children each summer and the campers who make coming to Phantom a key part of their summer vacation.  We look forward to seeing them at camp again soon.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp



CEO Corner - Summer 2010
by Jeff Spang

"Putting our mission into practice"

Recently a series of severe storms went through our area. We were so blessed at Phantom Lake YMCA Camp to have escaped without damage. Our counselors did a fantastic job keeping the kids safe and making the severe weather situation seem like just another exciting night at camp. Thank you for all the calls, prayers and e-mails of concern.
We are so fortunate to have so many caring alumni and board members.

While camp was unscathed by the weather, a tornado did hit communities near Phantom and many families lost their homes. This tragic situation provided an opportunity for our campers and staff to put into practice our mission -
to grow in stature and favor with God and man.

Phantom found itself in a unique position to provide the children hit by this tragedy with a way to escape the new uncertainty in their lives...the opportunity to stay for free at camp while their families deal with their loss.
Parents were given peace of mind, knowing their children were safe and enjoying carefree summer days at camp, while they began the task of rebuilding or repairing their homes.

I want to thank our team of staff and volunteers for accepting the challenge of taking on additional campers. Through their increased efforts we have provided these families with free camp, the staff held a clothes drive and even the campers helped raise money with a penny war. As the children of these families were dropped of at camp, their faces were filled with apprehension. Yet as the week progressed, I saw new friendships made and the smiles and laughter blossom.

I want to thank all of our alumni for their continued support of the Strong Kids campaign. The money raised through this annual campaign provides us with the ability to assist families hit by tragedy or who are struggling financially. Your generosity allowed us to reach out and help those members of our community hardest hit by this tornado. All of us at Phantom feel so honored to be able to make the mission of the Phantom Lake YMCA camp a reality in our community.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp


CEO Corner - Spring 2010
by Jeff Spang

Our Tradition - 115 Years Strong!

I’m looking out over the lake.  It is frozen and covered with snow.  Instead of campers in boats there are a few lonely ice fisherman.  It is hard to imagine that in less than 100 days the campers will return! 

2010 marks our 115th year of serving campers.

I really enjoy listening to parents and alumni share their experiences at camp.  I especially appreciate hearing from past campers who upon reflection can pinpoint their experiences at camp as a time of self discovery and a time in which their confidence soared.  One of our campers from around 1960 had this to say:

“One really good thing I remember from camp days is that my social life was totally different than back in Milwaukee, and I felt relaxed and accepted - even being a leader sometimes - instead of being frustrated and feeling left out because I wasn’t in the in-clique (even in elementary school!).”

A lot has changed in the 53 years since this individual first attended Phantom. We have updated our facilities and programs to meet the needs of today’s youth.  What has not changed is our mission of helping children grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.  This remains as relevant today as it was in 1960. 

Camp is a safe place for children to explore the outdoors, make new friends, and try something new.  The canoe paddle in the dining hall captures this perfectly “Sometimes to find out who you really are you have to go to a place where nobody knows you.”

There have been times in Phantoms 115 year distinguished history, when our parents and even grandparents made decisions and sacrifices that enabled the Phantom Lake YMCA Camp to be enjoyed by future generations. Just 25 years ago we became an independent stand alone YMCA.  It took a tremendous amount of faith, courage and generosity from thousands of people in the Phantom family to make this happen.

This same attitude from alumni helps keep us strong today. We continue to improve camp so that future generations feel the Phantom Spirit.  For many, PLYC was the place where they discovered their special skills and abilities and developed the confidence that helped them throughout life.  Campers of today are learning these same lessons.  It is my hope that many more generations will have their lives enriched by Phantom Lake YMCA Camp.

We are blessed here at Phantom to have the generous financial support of our alumni, campers and the local business community.  These contributions have strengthened camps finances, renovated buildings, added programs, and provided opportunities for those struggling financially to attend camp.  You may not know this, but the fees from campers cover the operating expenses, staff salaries, food, and supplies as well as regular upkeep. Your donations to our general fund are used for capital expenditures, strong kids scholarship programs, and significant building projects. 
I urge you to think about camp when you develop your giving plans.

Everyone has wonderful memories from their camp experience.  In order to keep building these memories with new generations we need your help and we need to keep you connected to camp.  Just because you are not a camper or staff member doesn’t mean can’t continue to grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.  Please visit the Spirit of Giving Page on this website for more information on donating to any of these funds or you can call me directly at 262-363-4386 ext.104.

I look forward to seeing you this spring at Fred Lee day-April 24, hearing your stories at the reunion July 9-11 and especially to seeing the enthusiastic faces of our newest campers as they become part of the Phantom family.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp



CEO Corner - Fall 2009
by Jeff Spang

Dear Phantom Family:

With the completion of family camp summer 2009, Phantom’s 114th year, is officially over.  It was a year that saw many challenges and changes here at Phantom.  Thanks to a great team and the support of many alumni, volunteers and staff members it has been a memorable and magical year. 

I came across the following Bible verse from 1 Timothy 6:18-19 (The Message)
“…go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage – to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous.    If they do that, they’ll build a treasury that will last gaining life that is truly life.” 

This verse really sums up what happened at camp this year.  We were blessed with many generous gifts that helped us significantly improve camp and touch the lives of many children.  In these tough economic times, many companies are finding it difficult to invest in capital improvements.   Thanks to the improved financial health of camp, we were able to reinvest the majority of the money donated back into camp.  Camp saw the following improvements to the property in 2009:

  • The renovated Richardson Health lodge - The facility was completely remodeled and redecorated complete with a lower level apartment for the onsite nurse.   It is a beautiful facility – please stop in for a tour. 
  • Western and Civil war units replaced - Eight tents were completely rebuilt to replace the canvas roofs, with a hard roof to provide a safer and more spacious environment for the campers. 
  • New Road - The main road leading into camp has been rebuilt and paved.

  • GaGa pit- GaGa ball was the latest craze at camp this summer.  A special area was built for the kids to play this game.

The number of first time donors to camp is on the rise.  Parents who have seen what a remarkable experience their children had at camp have donated. Alumni, recalling the difference and life long impact camp has made on their lives have decided to give generously. Businesses wanting to make an impact in the community they serve have donated products and services.  To the many that gave so generously this year, thank you for helping to preserve this special place for the future.  For those considering a donation, we would welcome your financial support to ensure that this treasured place can be experienced for many generations to come.

Our number one concern at camp is the safety of the children we serve.  I am pleased to report that 2009 had another clean safety record.  The new Richardson Health Lodge provided accommodations to allow an onsite nurse 24 hours a day.  A special thank you to all those who served the health needs of children in the Health Lodge.

This summer Phantom hosted a wedding, a graduation party and several company picnics/outings.  Camp is beautiful all year long.  Please consider it for your next corporate or family event.

Thanks to the creativity, generosity, and commitment of our staff, donors and volunteers, camp continues to be a place where children of all ages can experience this magical place.  If you are interested in making a difference at camp, there are many ways that you can become involved.  Please contact Jeff Spang at jeff@phantomlakeymca.org  if you are interested in making a donation, or serving on one of our committees.  We are always interested in growing the Phantom family.

In closing, I hope all who participated in camp this summer feel touched by the Phantom spirit and have grown in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.

God Bless,

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp




CEO Corner - Summer 2009
by Jeff Spang

The Kids Are Back in Town!

June 14th marks the beginning of summer camp 2009 - and the 114th year for Phantom Lake YMCA Camp. For me the return of the kids is like a change of seasons. A far more beautiful sight then the leaves changing colors in the fall, or that very first snowfall of winter. Camp is once again full of laughter, smiles and the abounding energy of our many campers.

Campers this year will continue to enjoy the traditions of camp. The waterfront, late night raids on the kitchen, and kettle games are still here, but we are pleased with the changes and improvements that are in place for Summer 2009.

The safety of our campers is always our primary concern. No matter how difficult the economic times may be, we are committed at Phantom to providing a safe environment for the children to grow in mind, body and spirit. To that end the following improvements have been since last summer:

* The new Richardson Health lodge is open for business. It is now state of the art and air-conditioned.
* The western and civil war units have been completely rebuilt. These sleeping quarters were long overdue for an overhaul. They are now safer and more spacious.
* Our main road, that was washed away from the storms last year, has been rebuilt and paved.

These building projects would not have been possible were it not for the generosity of giving seen this year. We have been blessed with donors that continue to fund the improvements needed at camp to ensure this treasured place is around for many more generations.

We are committed to deploying funds donated for specific building projects to those projects in a timely manner. The results of these efforts are evident as you walk through camp. Please come by and take a tour. I'd be delighted to meet with alumni and donors to talk about ideas for other renovations and improvements and show you what we have done so far.

God Bless,

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp




CEO Corner - Spring 2009
by Jeff Spang

Spring is such an exciting time at camp. It is amazing to watch as nature renews itself. Within a few short weeks, the trees will be green again, the flowers blooming and the lake once again a beautiful blue. If only the man made structures would awaken from winter freshly painted and updated. This spring, that is exactly what is happening due to the generous donations made by alumni to specific building projects.

  • A special thanks to the Richardson family for fully funding the health lodge renovation. Construction began in February and will be completed in time for camp this summer. The new facility will be safer and more useable, while maintaining its original look. For pictures of the project go to http://www.phantomlakealumni.com/HealthLodge1.html.
  • Thanks to Paradise Builders who will be rebuilding one of our platform tents, creating a safer and larger space for campers.
  • The Stewart Family has always loved the water front, and has this year purchased a sailboat.

If there is a part of camp, that holds special memories for you, I would encourage you to contact me directly at 262-363-4386 or jeff@phantomlakeymca.org We are in need of alumni, families, and organizations to “adopt” special areas around camp, including tents, sailboats, trails etc. If you donate money to a specific project – that is where the money will go and we are making an extra effort to see to it that those projects are completed in a timely manner.

Please bring your family out to camp on April 4th for Breakfast with the Easter bunny and our annual Easter egg hunt. I’d also like to invite you join us for Fred Lee Day on April 25th. This is a great chance to give camp its spring face lift, to meet the amazing summer staff, check out the renovations and connect with old friends.

I hope you will find a way to join us as the board, alumni and staff work to update, restore and improve our facilities at Phantom. It is only through our combined efforts that we can preserve this special place and ensure that it is here for future generations to enjoy.

God Bless,

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp



CEO Corner - January 2009
by Jeff Spang

Camp is a very different place this time of year.  The sights and sounds of busy children are only an echo.  The paths and trails that wind through the beautiful Kettle Moraine forest are covered with snow.  Camp is resting now, but those that have the privilege of working here are not.  Plans are shaping up for an exciting 2009.  Enrollments are up over last year, giving us hope for another year of record setting enrollment and profitability.   Despite a downturn in the economy, the experiences and opportunities that camp affords today’s young people, is not something parents are willing to forgo.  One of the most heartwarming parts of my job is hearing from past campers.  I continue to hear from campers from last summer who share with me what an impact this camp has made on them.  I also hear from campers from fifty years ago, who still remember camp as a place where they strengthened their Christian values, learned to forgive and became more accepting of themselves and others.

This year Phantom Lake YMCA camp celebrates is 113th year of operation.  My goal is to ensure that this magical place is here for another centennial.  To do this, we must constantly adapt to the changing needs of today’s youth, recruit and retain passionate counselors and adopt the best business practices that will allow camp to survive in the ever changing economic conditions.  Alumni input and support is crucial to our continued success.  We welcome your ideas, and encourage you to become part of the committees and volunteer efforts that are needed to generate and implement new ideas. 

I find so much relevance in our mission verse Luke 2:52.  Even as adults we all need to continue to grow in wisdom and favor with God and man.  As we make changes and try new things it is my hope that the Alumni that were so pivotal to the past success of camp, will continue to support us and work side by side with the staff to provide this life changing experience for future generations.

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp




white space   white space CEO Corner - Our Successful 2008 Season
by Jeff Spang

It is hard to believe that summer 2008 has come to an end.  The last week has been spent closing up the tents, saying good-bye to old and new friends, reflecting on the successes of the past season and making plans for an even better 2009.  Summer was off to a very soggy start thanks to spring flooding.  I was so touched by the e-mails and calls of concern for camp during that difficult time.  Thankfully, the damage was primarily limited to our road.   The summer ended with a very successful family camp.  Thanks to the hard work of Phantom staff and the Richardson family, family camp is rapidly earning a reputation as a great way to the end the summer with family and friends.

Here are some of the year’s highlights:

Our camp enrollment was up while the camping industry as a whole saw little or no growth:

  • 10% increase in campers!  This is a reflection on the creative and diverse programs offered at camp.  Kudos to the program team lead by Tony and Christina.
  • We had a waiting list for the day camp program – at one point as many as 12 campers. Kudos to Lego and Yahtzee!
  • 63 % of campers were returning campers. In 2006 we returned 52%.
  • 458 campers attended for the first time thanks to the highly successful recruit a friend campaign.  We had 374 new campers in 2006.  Our retention rate is higher and so is the overall number of campers.  This is a great thing!
  • Campers come from all over the United States and the world!  This year we had campers coming as far as France and Korea.
  • We conduct a satisfaction survey with campers’ parents after they return home and use the responses to understand our strengths and weaknesses.  Here are a couple of statistics from this years’ surveys.

53% learned of camp from their friends, 18% from the Internet
98% of campers generally enjoyed camp
84% of campers reported learning a new skill
97% felt the staff had a positive influence on the camper

Financial strength is critical to our success:

  • 2008 is the 2nd year in a row we will be ending with an Operating budget in the black.  This is the first time in ten years that this has happened.  This is due to the quality of our staff and the quality of our programs - campers that return year after year are a testimate to this.  Sound financial practices allow us to invest in the high quality staff.  This year only 5% of the staff were new to Camp.    
  • An informal survey of other camps in the area showed negative financial results, which were attributed to high food prices and fuel costs.   We experienced the same pressures but were able to offset the additional expenses with increased revenue from more campers and by joining a large buying group for our food supplies.

Clean Safety Record:

In a year when camp safety was making headlines, I am so pleased that 2008 was another year with a clean safety record with no major incidents or OSHA citations.  The following volunteer medical staff have our thanks and appreciation for looking after our campers round the clock.

Julie Bender
Pam Lennig
Kay Pike
Dr. Mark Shapson
Liza Dano

Community outreach gets more people involved with camp:

  • The Aqua Tramp was a big hit at camp last year.  This year they were joined by a log roll and water slide.  These were very popular with campers of all ages.  Next year we will be offering a Paint ball range.
  • Partnerships with other organizations will be key to our future success.  This summer Phantom Lake was Host to the Waukesha State Bank and GE Healthcare company picnic.  This gave exposure to over 500 people. Consider camp as the location for your next event.

  • Phantom Lake is host to one of only a few Disc Golf Courses in the state of Wisconsin.  We will be hosting a disc golf scramble in the spring.  Watch the website for details.

  • Plans are shaping up to purchase six butterfly sailboats.

  • We have launched the 1896 society.  This is a new donor recognition program.  The first 100 people to participate will be chartered members and honored at camp.  More details on this exciting program are on our alumni website –  phantomlakealumni.com


Our future success in operating camp and reaching out to influence more campers will depend largely on the number of volunteers who bring their talents to bear on the various planning committees and at camp.  Volunteers are the key to our future.  The one common success factor for any non-profit organization lies in the quantity and quality of its volunteers.   We are currently looking for members on the following committees:

Property – future construction and building maintenance
Programs – selecting and promoting camp activities
Communications – web site management, Alumni organization, and marketing

You don’t have to be an expert.  Any amount of time is appreciated.  If you would like to share your Phantom Spirit please e-mail me directly at Jeff@PhantomLakeYMCA.org

In closing, I hope all who participated in camp this summer feel as I do that they have grown in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God and man.

God Bless,

Jeff Spang, CEO
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp


P. S.  Here are some of the comments we received from parents that will bring a smile to your face…

  • This was my son's first time away from home and I was nervous because he does not always adjust easily to new situations. He had an absolutely fantastic experience that really built his self-confidence. His time at camp also opened his eyes to more possibilities in the world... He wants to learn Hungarian, the native language of one of his counselors.
  • Probably the first thing she said after camp was, "I definitely want to go again next year!" his was her first year to go away to camp, so I was thrilled that she had such a great time. She didn't know anyone when she went, but she made friends and still sometimes mentions some of those friends when she tells me about the fun experiences she had.
  • Camp was awesome; John can't wait for next year.
  • Tony Ayala worked with Ryan after an incident at the waterfront and Ryan thinks he is just wonderful! So thank you Tony for making sure all the campers have fun and are respectful!!
  • When I asked him what he liked best about camp he said, "at camp there's no such thing as cool or nerd. Everyone is a friend." That's when I knew he was at the right place.
  • Alec said- "camp was very fun and active". Coming from him, that speaks volumes! He is a very active and athletic child who is not easily entertained; in fact, his energy level is difficult to keep up with. We are very impressed by all of the activities that were available to him and really enjoy hearing about all of the good times he had with everyone. He had no complaints about his experience and is really looking forward to his next stay.
  • She had an amazing time and plans to come back for teen week next year as well as join the Staff Development Program.
  • I think counselors make or break the camp experience. Laura has loved her counselors both last year and this, and they created a very nurturing environment in the tent. When I went in the 70s I had a bad counselor the 3rd year and it was my last year I went. So, keep up your good hiring practices, as it seems to be working and is critical to the experience.
  • Don't change much, Olivia has a great time at Phantom Lake every year!
  • This was our daughter's first time for the full week. The past 2 years she was in the Mag. 7-8's and was nervous she would be home sick after the 4th day. She said it didn't bother her at all as much as she thought it would. Thankfully! My husband and I could tell this because we didn't get mail from her until the day before she came home, so we knew she was having too much fun to find time to write us! She loved coming home, but she's already looking forward to another memorable week next year. Thank you for providing such a wonderful experience for the campers.
  • Alex really enjoyed camp. The counselors made him feel liked and comfortable. I think he will be back again next year for another round! :)


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